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Volume 4, Number 1 (2018)


Volume 2 Issue 2 2023


Volume 2 Issue 1 2023

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Article of the Day

An Assessment of Ecological Services Occupations in Jere Bowl Borno State
The paper “An Assessment of Ecological Services occupation in Jere bowl Borno State”. Examined ecological services occupation in Jere bowl with a view to assessing it and proposing means for improving performance. It explained the idea of ecological services, explored and assessed the various ecological services occupations in Jere bowl, ascertained their impediments and generated means for improving performance. The study used simple random sampling techniques and administered 300 questionnaires among the respondents. It used simple percentage and tables in data analysis and presentation. The paper found out that fattening/cattle rearing, poultry, orchard, gardening, cropping as well as Fattening and cropping as the main ecological services occupations in the bowl. The impediments included inadequate capital 40%, insecurity 20%, little awareness 20%, poor facilities16% and poor method 4%. The paper also generated; capital incentive 32%, formation of cooperative society 16%,security provision 14%, provision of extension services 12%, provision of credit facilities 10%, improvement of land tenure system 6% ,enlightenment 4%, pesticide and insecticide 4%and new innovation 2%in order to improve the performance of ecological services occupations in the bowl. Musa, M. and Adamu, M. M.

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